Complaints Handling Process

Complaints Handling Process

Whilst NTQ hopes that its customers (current and potential) will not have reason to be dissatisfied, we acknowledge the right for our customer to make a complaint and for it to be resolved in an efficient, and fair manner.

How to Lodge a complaint

Customers wishing to lodge a complaint should do so via:

For all methods of contact other than by Phone or Mail, we will acknowledge receiving your complaint within 2 business days. 


Complaints are handled within our standard ticketing system. Please ensure you quote the ticket number when calling to discuss your complaint.

Urgent Complaints

If your complaint is urgent, for example disconnection of your service is imminent please notify the person handling your complaint so that it can be prioritized. We will endeavor to propose a resolution for your complaint within 2 working days or advise you the timeframe if we cannot propose a resolution within 2 working days.


If you are still not satisfied with how your complaint has been handled, or the resolution provided by us, you may escalate your complaint to the following:

Australian Privacy Commissioner

1300 363 992

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

1800 062 058